We appreciate every dollar you contribute and want to make it easy for you to give. Here’s how:
Individual and Corporate
Your gifts are vital to the mission of Tellin’ Tales, and we are truly grateful for your support! Please consider making a tax-deductible gift today.
Does your company offer gift matching? You can double your donation with little effort. We are happy to help you.
Custom sponsorship opportunities are available for all size companies. From targeted mailings to a live commercial reading at a performance. Contact tellintales.org today to discuss the possibilities…
Attend a performance or Become a Season Subscriber:
Buy a ticket to one of our shows. Every dollar counts.
Purchase a subscription for $100 and receive two tickets (priority seating) for three performances for you and a guest. Tellin’ Tales will contact you to confirm dates with you about four weeks prior to a show. Average value is $120. Click on the ticket icon:
Shop or Host a Party:
Go to Amazon Smile. Select Tellin’ Tales Theatre as your charity of choice. That’s all there is to it.
Plan a bowling night or a wine tasting party at your home. It’s an easy way to help while you and your guests have fun!
Memorialize, Join our circle and Open Doors
Memorialize a loved one and make a donation in the name of a friend or family member.
Make a donation of $1,000 or more, Tellin’ Tales will add your name to the Producer’s Circle as a very special friend to the organization. You will receive personal invitations and communications throughout the year and priority seating with our gratitude.
Are you short on funds but have connections at a great company? You can make a huge impact by opening a door for us. Send an email and introduce Tellin’ Tales to your contact. It’s just that easy.
Tellin’ Tales Theatre accepts all major credit cards. Checks can be mailed to the address below:
Tellin’ Tales Theatre
360 E. Randolph St. Unit 1006
Chicago, IL 60601